
Minolta X 700 Serial Numbers
Minolta X 700 Serial Numbers

Minolta X 700 Serial Numbers

This blog post I will try to give you a bit of a heads up on what works well and what doesn’t work too well in the world of Minolta X Fujifilm. I have bought a lot, and I mean A LOT of old Minolta Rokkor lenses. Now, what has happened during the last 3 months is not something that neither I nor my wallet is proud of. So just as I had hoped, these old Minolta lenses were also over engineered to maintain high quality output! And now, they were the perfect match for my GFX50s! To my absolute joy, surprise and delight I found both the 55 and 58 to not only cover, but to cover the sensor so good, that I could easily get rid of the remaining corner vignette in post processing! NO HARD VIGNETTING!! GFX50s – Rokkor MD 45mm f/2 at f/2 – No crop – vignette added Since the Minolta lenses were the ones that I had most of, I decided the first adapter to buy for my GFX was the Fotodiox Pro MD-GFX. I didn’t get my hopes up, since this was basically trial and error to see whether they would cover just a little bit, or be completely useless without cropping. They have a lot of great things going for them, the top two being excellent IQ and a low pricepoint.

Minolta X 700 Serial Numbers

I have been an avid user of especially the 55mm f/1.7 and the 58mm f/1.4 on my X-series cameras.

Minolta X 700 Serial Numbers

Going back to the post at hand – I have been a huge fan of the Minolta Rokkor lenses for a long time. My Helios 44m-4 article from 4 years ago keep at the top of Google searches and keeps getting traffic in staggering numbers, so I know that I’m not the only one with a fascination for this combination of “old and new” GFX50s – Rokkor MC 58mm f/1.4 shot at f/1.4 – no crop – no vignette correction I have written countless articles on vintage glass here at the blog (just search for “vintage” and you’ll see what I mean). So, just like with the X-Pro1 almost 5 years ago, the prospect of adapting vintage glass in front of a Fujifilm camera was the absolute selling point for me. But when I found out that you could mount your 35mm lenses to achieve a completely different look to your images, I was completely sold. At this point I had been testing the GFX during two different time periods, going from: “I will never buy this” to: “I think I might find this useful”.

Minolta X 700 Serial Numbers